The Kingstowne Communion

We exist to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ.

About the show

Welcome to the Table! You are listening to the Kingstowne Communion podcast, with lead pastor Michelle Matthews. The Kingstowne Communion is a new United Methodist church existing to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ and extend God's table into the world through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good. We worship at Hayfield Secondary School (7630 Telegraph Rd, Door 9 off Old Telegraph) every Sunday at 10am. For more information, visit, or like, follow, or subscribe on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


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    Acts 6-7: The Divine Rip & Rocky Waters

    August 3rd, 2018  |  24 mins 12 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Sunday, July 29, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues in our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on Acts 6-7, entitled "The Divine Rip & Rocky Waters." The band leads us in a contemporary song "Lay Me Down", an old hymn favorite "Grace Greater Than All Our Sin", and this week's mystery party send-off song, "Get This Party Started".

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    Bible Study in 20 min or Less: Acts 2-4

    July 27th, 2018  |  16 mins 49 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Week of June 22, 2018 | Morning Prayer & Bible Study in 20 min or less | We gather on Wednesdays for morning prayer and bible study on Facebook Live. After going live, we'll upload the audio here for those wanting to listen along at another point in the week. | This Week: Acts 2-4 & our Acts theme song "The Cause of Christ."

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    Acts 4: The Stone the Builders Rejected

    July 27th, 2018  |  29 mins 54 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Sunday, July 22, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues in our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on Acts 4, entitled "The Stone the Builders Rejected." The band leads us in a modern hymn setting of Acts 4, "Cornerstone", our series theme song for Acts, "The Cause of Christ," and this week's mystery party send-off song, "Celebrate Good Times!"

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    Acts 2: The Table is Magic

    July 20th, 2018  |  24 mins 50 secs
    acts, acts 2, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, miley cyrus, table

    Sunday, July 15, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle kicks off our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on the second half of Acts 2, entitled "The Table is Magic." The band leads us in a contemporary setting of Psalm 23, "Surely Goodness", and sends us out to Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA."

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    John Wesley Birthday Bash (Methodism in 20 min-ish)

    July 4th, 2018  |  33 mins 30 secs
    birthday, charles wesley, going on to perfection, grace, grace upon grace, head and heart, john wesley, methodism, methodist, united methodist church, via media, wesley, wesleyan

    Sunday, July 1, 2018 | John Wesley Birthday Bash | Listen as Rev. Michelle Matthews jam-packs all the Methodist history and theology into a 20 min (ish) sermon. The band also leads us in some Charles Wesley favorites: "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" and "O Come Thou Traveler Unknown".

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    Bible Study in 20 min or Less: Ruth 4

    June 29th, 2018  |  19 mins 21 secs
    book of ruth, failure, god, gospel of ruth, homelessness, immigrants, jesus, migrant workers, naomi, poverty, presence, privilege, refugees, ruth, women, women in crisis

    Week of June 24, 2018 | Morning Prayer & Bible Study in 20 min or less | We gather on Wednesdays for morning prayer and bible study on Facebook Live. After going live, we'll upload the audio here for those wanting to listen along at another point in the week. | This Week: Ruth 4 & the hymn "Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior".

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    Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & Meet-cute Moments

    June 29th, 2018  |  33 mins 3 secs
    book of ruth, failure, god, gospel of ruth, homelessness, immigrants, jesus, migrant workers, naomi, poverty, presence, privilege, refugees, ruth, women, women in crisis

    Sunday, June 24, 2018 | Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & the Presence of God | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches on Ruth 4. Listen as Michelle tells the love story of God with us by focusing in on the love story of Ruth & Boaz, suggesting that it is in the meet-cute moments of life that we most profoundly see God. The band (led by guest musician Jeff Long) leads us in the old hymn "Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior" and one of our southern gospel favorites "Welcome Table".

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    Bible Study in 20 min or Less: Ruth 3

    June 23rd, 2018  |  20 mins 25 secs
    book of ruth, failure, god, gospel of ruth, homelessness, immigrants, jesus, migrant workers, naomi, poverty, presence, privilege, refugees, ruth, women, women in crisis

    Week of June 17, 2018 | Morning Prayer & Bible Study in 20 min or less | We gather on Wednesdays for morning prayer and bible study on Facebook Live. After going live, we'll upload the audio here for those wanting to listen along at another point in the week. | This Week: Ruth 3 & the hymn "Rock of Ages (When the Day Seems Long)".

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    Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & Salvation

    June 23rd, 2018  |  34 mins 48 secs
    book of ruth, failure, god, gospel of ruth, homelessness, immigrants, jesus, migrant workers, naomi, poverty, presence, privilege, refugees, ruth, women, women in crisis

    Sunday, June 17, 2018 | Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & the Presence of God | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches on Ruth 3. Listen as Michelle helps us understand how the story of Ruth gives us a new way of understanding redemption and salvation, and tune in as Dr. Norman Wirzba, Professor of Theology, Ecology, and Agrarian Studies at Duke Divinity School talks about food justice, migrant workers, and a way to understand salvation through the crisis at the border. The band leads us in "Rescuer" and beautiful hymn "Rock of Ages (When the Day Seems Long)".

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    Bible Study in 20 min or Less: Ruth 2

    June 13th, 2018  |  23 mins 20 secs
    bible, bible study, boaz, book of ruth, devotion, gospel of ruth, hymns, morning prayer, naomi, prayer, ruth, scripture

    Week of June 10, 2018 | Morning Prayer & Bible Study in 20 min or less | We gather on Wednesdays for morning prayer and bible study on Facebook Live. After going live, we'll upload the audio here for those wanting to listen along at another point in the week. | This Week: Ruth 2 & the Charles Wesley hymn, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul"

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    Bible Study in 20 min or Less: Ruth 1

    June 12th, 2018  |  21 mins 26 secs
    bible, bible study, boaz, book of ruth, devotion, gospel of ruth, hymns, morning prayer, naomi, prayer, ruth, scripture

    Week of June 3, 2018 | Morning Prayer & Bible Study in 20 min or less | We gather on Wednesdays for morning prayer and bible study on Facebook Live. After going live, we'll upload the audio here for those wanting to listen along at another point in the week. | This Week: Ruth 1 & the hymn "O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus"

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    Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & Tupperware Containers

    June 12th, 2018  |  40 mins 46 secs
    book of ruth, categories, dualistic thinking, god, gospel of ruth, homelessness, immigrants, jesus, migrant workers, naomi, poverty, presence, privilege, refugees, richard rohr, ruth, tupperware, walls, women, women in crisis

    Sunday, June 10, 2018 | Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & the Presence of God | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches on Ruth 2. The story of Ruth and the character of Naomi cannot be easily categorized, contained, and defined. Listen as Michelle suggests that what lies at the heart of our brokenness and our privilege is our tendency towards walling things off, dividing our lives into categories, and living and thinking dualistically. Sarah Williamson shares her faith testimony of her experience as a missionary kid and her work helping to advocate for refugee communities with Protect the People. The band leads us in "All the Poor and Powerless" and the 18th century hymn by Charles Wesley, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul".

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    Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & the F-word

    June 5th, 2018  |  33 mins 26 secs
    book of ruth, failure, god, gospel of ruth, homelessness, immigrants, jesus, migrant workers, naomi, poverty, presence, privilege, refugees, ruth, women, women in crisis

    Sunday, June 3, 2018 | Ruth: Poverty, Privilege, & the Presence of God | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches on Ruth 1. The story of Ruth is a story of failure. Listen as Michelle suggests that the DC metro fear of failure is in fact a sign of privilege, and as Naomi Evans shares her testimony about her work with the Coalition for Juvenile Justice. The band leads us in a song based on Ruth 1, "I Will Follow," and our new theme song for the series, "No Outsiders."

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    Fake News: Trinity & the 3-in-1 God (Pop-up Worship in the Park)

    June 1st, 2018  |  31 mins 37 secs

    Sunday, May 27, 2018 | Fake News: Trinity & the 3-in-1 God | Colossians 1:15-23, Luke 3:21-22 | Rev. Michelle Matthews wraps up our series entitled Fake News: Finding Truth in What's Simply Unbelievable by preaching about how Trinity behaves and what it means to be invited into that behavior. The band leads us in "Glory Be" and a beautiful melodic round about the Triune God.

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    Fake News: Ascension & the Missing God (Female Power Ballad Sunday)

    June 1st, 2018  |  42 mins 15 secs
    ascension, disbelief, faith, fake news, jesus, miracles, mother's day, power anthems, power ballads, unbelief, unbelievable

    Sunday, May 13, 2018 | Fake News: Ascension & the Missing God | Luke 24:50-53 & Acts 1:6-11 | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches on Jesus' ascension, and the band helps us celebrate all women everywhere with our Female Power Ballad Sunday set list including: Beyonce, Madonna, Tina Turner, Pink, and more. For the sermon, fast forward to 13:40.

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    Fake News: Pentecost & Tongue of Fire

    June 1st, 2018  |  30 mins 30 secs
    disbelief, faith, fake news, fire, holy spirit, jesus, pentecost, unbelief, unbelievable, wind

    Sunday, May 20, 2018 | Fake News: Pentecost & Tongues of Fire | Acts 2 | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches a sermon on the Day of Pentecost & the Acts 2 tongues of fire, and the band leads us in "Holy Spirit" and "Christ in Me".