The Kingstowne Communion

We exist to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ.

About the show

Welcome to the Table! You are listening to the Kingstowne Communion podcast, with lead pastor Michelle Matthews. The Kingstowne Communion is a new United Methodist church existing to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ and extend God's table into the world through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good. We worship at Hayfield Secondary School (7630 Telegraph Rd, Door 9 off Old Telegraph) every Sunday at 10am. For more information, visit, or like, follow, or subscribe on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


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    Fake News: New Testament Miracles

    June 1st, 2018  |  22 mins
    disbelief, easter, faith, fake news, jesus, miracles, new testament, unbelief, unbelievable, water

    Sunday, May 6, 2018 | Fake News: New Testament Miracles | Matthew 14:22-36 | Rev. Drew Ensz, guest preacher, delivers a sermon about the story of Jesus walking on water and other miracles like it in the New Testament, and the band leads us in "Jesus" and old spiritual "Shall We Gather at the River".

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    Fake News: Old Testament Myth & Imagination

    May 11th, 2018  |  25 mins 20 secs
    belief, disbelief, doubt, fake news, imagination, jonah, myth, old testament, prophet, unblief

    Sunday, April 29, 2018 | Fake News: Finding Truth in What's Simply Unbelievable | Jonah 1; 2:1, 5-6, 8-10; 3:1-5, 10 | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches a sermon about Jonah and Old Testament myth & imagination where she tells the story of Jonah through 4 different lenses, and the band continues to lead us in our Prayer for Illumination for the series: "Begone Unbelief".

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    Fake News: Transfiguration, Ghosts, & Glory

    May 4th, 2018  |  21 mins 6 secs

    Sunday, April 22, 2018 (Earth Day Worship) | Fake News: Finding Truth in What's Simply Unbelievable | Luke 9:28-36 (Jesus' Transfiguration) | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches a sermon about transfiguration, ghosts, and glory, entitled "Transfigured & Shining", and the band leads us "All Creatures of Our God and King" and "Flood the Earth" as we celebrate Earth Day and take part in a Blessing of the Animals liturgy.

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    Fake News: Resurrection & Doubt

    May 4th, 2018  |  30 mins 50 secs

    Sunday, April 15, 2018 | Fake News: Finding Truth in What's Simply Unbelievable | John 20:24-29 (Doubting Thomas) | Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches a sermon about resurrection and doubt, entitled "Sensing Resurrection", and the band introduces our two songs of the series: "Begone Unbelief" (an ancient hymn that will serve as our prayer for illumination) and "God of Miracles".

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    Fake News (Intro)

    May 4th, 2018  |  12 mins 56 secs
    belief, disbelief, doubt, easter, faith, fake news, questions, truth

    Sunday, April 8, 2018 | We gathered for a 30 minute worship service before setting our hands to work in packing 10,000 meals with Rise Against Hunger to combat world hunger. Rev. Michelle Matthews preached a short 5 minute homily introducing the new sermon series entitled "Fake News: Finding Ultimate Truth in What's Simply Unbelievable" that began Sunday, April 15, 2018, and the band led us in "Glorious Day" and "Welcome Table".

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    Easter Sunday at Nalls 2018

    May 4th, 2018  |  23 mins 40 secs
    april fools day, christ is risen, easter, easter sunday, he is risen, resurrection

    Sunday, April 1, 2018 | We gathered for worship at Nalls Produce for Easter Sunday Worship. Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches a sermon entitled "The Resurrection is a Joke," and the band leads us in "Joyful, Joyful (The One Who Saves)" and "Come As You Are". Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

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    Good Friday at the Pub 2018

    May 4th, 2018  |  9 mins 58 secs
    cross, good friday, holy week, it is finished, jesus

    Friday, March 30, 2018 | We gathered for Good Friday Stations of the Cross and worship at the Pub at Fiona's Irish Pub. Rev. Michelle Matthews preaches a sermon entitled "Finished" on the last moments of Jesus' life and the band leads us in singing "Just As I Am" and "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross."

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    Palm & Passion Sunday

    March 25th, 2018  |  28 mins 1 sec
    christ, communion, cross, good friday, jesus, maundy thursday, palm, palm passion sunday, palm sunday, passion, vulnerability

    Sunday, March 25th | Palm & Passion Sunday | Michelle preaches three homilies on the last week of Jesus' life: Sunday's Palms, Thursday's Bread, Friday's Sentence. The band leads us in the beautiful harmonies of "Hosanna (Praise is Rising)", "Communion", and "Lamb of God".

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    Faith in the 1st Person: A Crippling Spirit

    March 21st, 2018  |  32 mins 47 secs
    cross, depression, faith, jesus, lament, lent, psalm 22, psalms, suffering, vulnerability

    Sunday, March 18th | Pastor Michelle preaches on Psalm 22 in the fifth week of our Lenten series entitled "Faith in the 1st Person: A Journey in Vulnerability through the Psalms." Mike and Barbara McDaniel share their faith in the 1st person, and the band leads us in the beautiful harmonies of "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" and a contemporary version of "Kyrie Eleison."

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    Faith in the 1st Person: Praise in the Anxious Space

    March 14th, 2018  |  36 mins 52 secs
    1st person, anxiety, bluegrass, church, faith, fear, jesus, lent, praise, psalm 145, psalms, worship

    Sunday, March 11th | Pastor Michelle preaches on Psalm 145 in the fourth week of our Lenten series entitled "Faith in the 1st Person: A Journey in Vulnerability through the Psalms." Melissa Russell shares her faith in the 1st person, and the band leads in all bluegrass worship. Songs featured: "Wayfaring Stranger" and "In the Sweet By and By."

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    Pub Theology: The Great Divide in the Age of Trump

    March 13th, 2018  |  1 hr 2 mins
    beer, church, culture, divide, economy, faith, fiona's irish pub, politics, populist coalition, pub, pub theology, theology, trump

    Tuesday, February 27th | Pub Theology meets monthly at Fiona's Irish Pub in Kingstowne | Brad Todd, co-author "The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics," will help decode the populist coalition that swept Donald Trump into office and continues to realign American politics, viewing this change through the prism of the larger societal trends that are reshaping governing coalitions in the same manner they’re disrupting the economy, the Church, and culture at large.

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    Faith in the 1st Person: Wandering to Revival (At-home Worship)

    March 13th, 2018  |  33 mins 54 secs
    1st person, faith, jesus, lent, psalm 85, psalms, revival, wander, worship

    Sunday, March 4th | Bret and Michelle lead a 30-min at-home Facebook Live worship service of word and song after Fairfax County Public Schools close due to Nor'easter power outages. Pastor Michelle preaches a shorter homily on Psalm 85 in the third week of our Lenten series entitled "Faith in the 1st Person: A Journey in Vulnerability through the Psalms."

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    Faith in the 1st Person: Naked & Unafraid

    March 13th, 2018  |  30 mins 51 secs
    1st person, faith, jesus, lent, psalm 139, psalms, vulnerability, worship

    Sunday, February 25th | Pastor Michelle preaches on Psalm 139 in the second week of a Lenten sermon series entitled "Faith in the 1st Person: A Journey in Vulnerability through the Psalms." Bret Salmons, our Kingstowne Communion worship leader, shares his faith in the first person.

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    Faith in the 1st Person: Talk to Me

    February 23rd, 2018  |  30 mins 30 secs
    1st person, church, faith, lent, psalm 6, psalms, vulnerability, worship

    Sunday, February 18th | Pastor Matthews preaches on Psalm 6 in the first week of a Lenten series entitled "Faith in the 1st Person: A Journey in Vulnerability through the Psalms." Shaun Evans shares a bit about sharing faith in the 1st person.

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    Advent 2017 | Waiting in the Chaos

    December 15th, 2017  |  25 mins 28 secs

    Mark 13:24-37 | Waiting in the Chaos | Introduction by Dr. Stanley Hauerwas

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    Advent 2017 | God in Our Chaos

    November 30th, 2017  |  25 mins 14 secs

    Matthew 1:1-17, 2:16-18 | God in Our Chaos