The Kingstowne Communion

We exist to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ.

About the show

Welcome to the Table! You are listening to the Kingstowne Communion podcast, with lead pastor Michelle Matthews. The Kingstowne Communion is a new United Methodist church existing to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ and extend God's table into the world through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good. We worship at Hayfield Secondary School (7630 Telegraph Rd, Door 9 off Old Telegraph) every Sunday at 10am. For more information, visit, or like, follow, or subscribe on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


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    Ecclesiastes: Retuning the God of Meaning and Purpose

    October 5th, 2018  |  36 mins 42 secs

    Sunday, September 30, 2018 | Going Retro: Old Testament, New Tune | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues our series on the Old Testament on Kingstowne's 2nd birthday with a sermon on Ecclesiastes 1 and 3 entitled "Ecclesiastes: Retuning the God of Meaning and Purpose." The band leads us in their version of the classic 60's tune, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" and a powerful "Great Are You Lord."

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    Daily Prayer | October 5, 2018

    October 5th, 2018  |  11 mins 58 secs
    bible, daily prayer, lectio divina, morning prayer, pray, revised common lectionary

    Pray with us through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, two psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. Every weekday morning, a new 10-13 minute Lectio Divina prayer meditation will be uploaded. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    Daily Prayer | October 4, 2018

    October 4th, 2018  |  11 mins 48 secs
    daily prayer, lectio divina, morning prayer, pray, revised common lectionary

    Pray with us through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, two psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. Every weekday morning, a new 10-13 minute Lectio Divina prayer meditation will be uploaded. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    Daily Prayer | October 3, 2018

    October 3rd, 2018  |  10 mins 39 secs
    daily prayer, lectio divina, morning prayer, pray, revised common lectionary

    Pray with us through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, two psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. Every weekday morning, a new 10-13 minute Lectio Divina prayer meditation will be uploaded. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    Daily Prayer | October 2, 2018

    October 2nd, 2018  |  9 mins 17 secs
    daily prayer, lectio divina, morning prayer, pray, revised common lectionary

    Pray with us through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, two psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. Every weekday morning, a new 10-13 minute Lectio Divina prayer meditation will be uploaded. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    Daily Prayer | October 1, 2018

    October 1st, 2018  |  12 mins 41 secs
    daily prayer, lectio divina, morning prayer, pray, revised common lectionary

    Pray with us through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, two psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. Every weekday morning, a new 10-13 minute Lectio Divina prayer meditation will be uploaded. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    Proverbs: Retuning the God of Prudence & Morals

    September 26th, 2018  |  31 mins 20 secs

    Sunday, September 23, 2018 | Going Retro: Old Testament, New Tune | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues our series on the Old Testament with a sermon on Proverbs 6 and 31 entitled "Proverbs: Retuning the God of Prudence & Morals." The band leads us in "So Will I (100 Billion X)" and a contemporary take on "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise."

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    Deuteronomy: Retuning the God Who Plays Favorites

    September 20th, 2018  |  32 mins 9 secs

    Sunday, September 16, 2018 | Going Retro: Old Testament, New Tune | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues our series on the Old Testament with a sermon on Deuteronomy 6 and 10 entitled "Deuteronomy: Retuning the God Who Plays Favorites." The band leads us in "The Lion and The Lamb" and a contemporary take on "Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful)."

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    Leviticus: Retuning the God of Judgement

    September 15th, 2018  |  30 mins 52 secs

    Sunday, September 9, 2018 | Leviticus: Retuning the God of Judgement | Listen as Pastor Michelle kicks off our series on the Old Testament titled "Going Retro: Old Testament, New Tune" with a sermon on Leviticus. The Old Testament can seem angry and antiquated. We’d like to just stick with Jesus’ all-loving words, but the fulfillment of God’s love in Jesus only makes sense when we go retro, finding value in the old made new. Over seven Sundays, we'll wrestle with seven of the least liked, most misunderstood Old Testament books.

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    Acts 10: Receive, Believe, Become

    August 25th, 2018  |  37 mins 5 secs

    Sunday, August 19, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues in our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on Acts 10, the stories of Cornelius and Peter. The band leads us in "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go", the old southern gospel favorite "Sweet By & By," and this week's mystery party send-off song, "Don't Stop Believein'".

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    Acts 9: Extraordinary Conversions

    August 17th, 2018  |  24 mins 50 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Sunday, August 12, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues in our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on Acts 9, the stories of Paul and Tabitha's conversions, entitled "Extraordinary Conversions". The band leads us in "Build Your Kingdom Here" and "Reckless Love", and this week's mystery party send-off song, "Party Like It's 1999".

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    Bible Study in 20 min or Less: Acts 5-8

    August 10th, 2018  |  19 mins 41 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Week of August 5, 2018 | Morning Prayer & Bible Study in 20 min or less | We gather on Wednesdays for morning prayer and bible study on Facebook Live. After going live, we'll upload the audio here for those wanting to listen along at another point in the week. | This Week: Acts 5-8 & our Acts theme song "The Cause of Christ."

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    Acts 8: What is to Stand in Your Way?

    August 10th, 2018  |  28 mins 12 secs

    Sunday, August 5, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues in our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on Acts 8, the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, entitled "What is to Stand in Your Way?" The band leads us in a contemporary song "What a Beautiful Name", an old hymn favorite "Blessed Assurance", and this week's mystery party send-off song, "Tonight Tonight".

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    Acts 6-7: The Divine Rip & Rocky Waters

    August 3rd, 2018  |  24 mins 12 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Sunday, July 29, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues in our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on Acts 6-7, entitled "The Divine Rip & Rocky Waters." The band leads us in a contemporary song "Lay Me Down", an old hymn favorite "Grace Greater Than All Our Sin", and this week's mystery party send-off song, "Get This Party Started".

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    Bible Study in 20 min or Less: Acts 2-4

    July 27th, 2018  |  16 mins 49 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Week of June 22, 2018 | Morning Prayer & Bible Study in 20 min or less | We gather on Wednesdays for morning prayer and bible study on Facebook Live. After going live, we'll upload the audio here for those wanting to listen along at another point in the week. | This Week: Acts 2-4 & our Acts theme song "The Cause of Christ."

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    Acts 4: The Stone the Builders Rejected

    July 27th, 2018  |  29 mins 54 secs
    acts, acts of the apostles, birth of the church, block party, book of acts, church, church growth, early church, table

    Sunday, July 22, 2018 | Acts: Early Church Block Party | Listen as Pastor Michelle continues in our Acts: Early Church Block Party series with a sermon on Acts 4, entitled "The Stone the Builders Rejected." The band leads us in a modern hymn setting of Acts 4, "Cornerstone", our series theme song for Acts, "The Cause of Christ," and this week's mystery party send-off song, "Celebrate Good Times!"