The Kingstowne Communion

We exist to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ.

About the show

Welcome to the Table! You are listening to the Kingstowne Communion podcast, with lead pastor Michelle Matthews. The Kingstowne Communion is a new United Methodist church existing to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ and extend God's table into the world through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good. We worship at Hayfield Secondary School (7630 Telegraph Rd, Door 9 off Old Telegraph) every Sunday at 10am. For more information, visit, or like, follow, or subscribe on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


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    Defining Our Terms | "Spirit-filled"

    June 12th, 2019  |  30 mins 3 secs
    belief, bible-based, catholic, christian, creed, defining our terms, definition, doctrine, evangelical, liberal, orthodox, spirit-filled, vocabulary, wesleyan

    Sunday, June 9, 2019 | Pentecost & Confirmation Sunday | Defining Our Terms: When Words Have Lost All Meaning, It's Time We Define Our Terms | Michelle continues in the series defining the word "Spirit-filled" in a short homily and then Alyssa Densham, our Family Ministries Director, gives her testimony. The band leads us in one of our favorites "My Story" and a new modern hymn "Hymn of the Holy Spirit."

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    Weekly Prayers 6-9-19 | Acts 2:1-21

    June 12th, 2019  |  14 mins 52 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, June 9, 2019 | Pentecost Sunday | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 2:1-21, Genesis 11:1-9, Romans 8:14-17, John 14:8-17, 25-27.

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    Weekly Prayers 6-9-19 | Genesis 11:1-9

    June 12th, 2019  |  13 mins 41 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, June 9, 2019 | Pentecost Sunday | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 2:1-21, Genesis 11:1-9, Romans 8:14-17, John 14:8-17, 25-27.

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    Weekly Prayers 6-2-19 | Psalm

    June 7th, 2019  |  10 mins 33 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, June 2, 2019 | 7th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 16:16-34, John 17:20-26, Psalm 97.

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    Weekly Prayers 6-2-19 | Gospel

    June 6th, 2019  |  12 mins 20 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, June 2, 2019 | 7th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 16:16-34, John 17:20-26, Psalm 97.

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    Weekly Prayers 6-2-19 | New Testament

    June 6th, 2019  |  16 mins 26 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, June 2, 2019 | 7th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 16:16-34, John 17:20-26, Psalm 97.

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    Defining Our Terms | "Catholic"

    June 5th, 2019  |  32 mins 49 secs
    belief, bible-based, catholic, christian, creed, defining our terms, definition, doctrine, evangelical, liberal, orthodox, spirit-filled, vocabulary, wesleyan

    Sunday, June 2, 2019 | 7th Sunday of Easter | Defining Our Terms: When Words Have Lost All Meaning, It's Time We Define Our Terms | Michelle continues in the series defining the word "Catholic" in a sermon centered on Galatians 6 and Luke 10, and the band leads us in "Flood the Earth" and favorite hymn "The Church's One Foundation."

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    Defining Our Terms | "Wesleyan"

    May 23rd, 2019  |  32 mins 18 secs
    belief, bible-based, catholic, christian, creed, defining our terms, definition, doctrine, evangelical, liberal, orthodox, spirit-filled, vocabulary, wesleyan

    Sunday, May 19, 2019 | 5th Sunday of Easter | Defining Our Terms: When Words Have Lost All Meaning, It's Time We Define Our Terms | Guest preacher, the Rev. Ryan LaRock, continues in the series defining the word "Wesleyan" in a sermon centered on Acts 2:43-47, and the band leads us in "Great Are You Lord" and a new song "How Beautiful Your Grace."

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    Weekly Prayers 5-19-19 | Gospel

    May 23rd, 2019  |  12 mins 4 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, May 19, 2019 | 5th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 148, John 13:31-35.

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    Weekly Prayers 5-19-19 | Psalm

    May 22nd, 2019  |  13 mins 36 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, May 19, 2019 | 5th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 148, John 13:31-35.

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    Weekly Prayers 5-19-19 | New Testament

    May 20th, 2019  |  12 mins 13 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, May 19, 2019 | 5th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 148, John 13:31-35.

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    Weekly Prayers 5-12-19 | Gospel 2

    May 17th, 2019  |  10 mins 43 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, May 12, 2019 | 4th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Psalm 30, John 21:1-19, Acts 9:36-43, John 10:22-30.

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    Weekly Prayers 5-12-19 | New Testament

    May 17th, 2019  |  12 mins 19 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, May 12, 2019 | 4th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Psalm 30, John 21:1-19, Acts 9:36-43, John 10:22-30.

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    Weekly Prayers 5-12-19 | Gospel 1

    May 16th, 2019  |  16 mins 36 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, May 12, 2019 | 4th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Psalm 30, John 21:1-19, Acts 9:36-43, John 10:22-30.

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    Weekly Prayers 5-12-19 | Psalm

    May 15th, 2019  |  12 mins 41 secs

    Week of Sunday, May 12, 2019 | 4th Week of Easter | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray the that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scriptures This Week: Psalm 30, John 21:1-19, Acts 9:36-43, John 10:22-30.

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    Defining Our Terms | "Orthodox"

    May 15th, 2019  |  33 mins 51 secs
    belief, bible-based, catholic, christian, creed, defining our terms, definition, doctrine, evangelical, liberal, orthodox, spirit-filled, vocabulary, wesleyan

    Sunday, May 12, 2019 | 4th Sunday of Easter | Defining Our Terms: When Words Have Lost All Meaning, It's Time We Define Our Terms | Michelle continues in the series defining the word "Orthodox" in a sermon about the faith and creed of Thomas, and the band leads us in a contemporary setting of the Apostles Creed, "I Believe", and a new song "Come & See."