The Kingstowne Communion

We exist to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ.

About the show

Welcome to the Table! You are listening to the Kingstowne Communion podcast, with lead pastor Michelle Matthews. The Kingstowne Communion is a new United Methodist church existing to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ and extend God's table into the world through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good. We worship at Hayfield Secondary School (7630 Telegraph Rd, Door 9 off Old Telegraph) every Sunday at 10am. For more information, visit, or like, follow, or subscribe on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


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    Advent Prayer 3: Root of David

    December 11th, 2019  |  12 mins 16 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    2nd Week of Advent 2019 | Join us as we pray through the seasonal Scriptures together. We will pray that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    Advent Prayer 2: Lord of Lords

    December 9th, 2019  |  11 mins 24 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    2nd Week of Advent 2019 | Join us as we pray through the seasonal Scriptures together. We will pray that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    He Shall Be Called...Wonderful Counselor

    December 5th, 2019  |  34 mins 33 secs
    advent, and he shall be called, christmas, emmanue, everlasting father, great redeemer, name, name above all names, names of jesus, son of god, son of man, wonderful counselor

    Sunday, December 1, 2019 | 1st Sunday of Advent | Michelle preaches from Isaiah 40:1-11, as we begin our Advent series entitled "And He Shall Be Called." Bret and the band lead us in two contemporary Christmas tunes, "God with Us" and our new theme song "Unto Us."

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    Advent Prayer 1: The Word

    December 5th, 2019  |  11 mins 38 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    1st Week of Advent 2019 | Join us as we pray through the seasonal Scriptures together. We will pray that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word.

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    Circles of Gratitude (Wk 5)

    December 5th, 2019  |  27 mins 35 secs
    emotions, ethics, feelings, grateful, gratitude, habits, me, personal, practice, private, public, thank you, thankful, thanks, thanksgiving, we

    Sunday, November 24, 2019 | Michelle preaches a sermon on the story of Zaccheaus, in our sermon series entitled "Grateful: The Move from 'Me' to 'We'". Bret and the band lead us in "Called Me Higher" and "Take My Life."

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    A Testimony of Gratitude: Trey & Marie

    November 22nd, 2019  |  4 mins 39 secs
    emotions, ethics, feelings, grateful, gratitude, habits, me, personal, practice, private, public, thank you, thankful, thanks, thanksgiving, we

    Trey and Marie share a testimony about what the Kingstowne Communion has meant to them and how it compels them to live, serve, and give on Sunday, November 17, 2019.

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    Grateful Together (Wk 4)

    November 22nd, 2019  |  35 mins 41 secs
    emotions, ethics, feelings, grateful, gratitude, habits, me, personal, practice, private, public, thank you, thankful, thanks, thanksgiving, we

    Sunday, November 17, 2019 | Michelle preaches a sermon on Luke 18:9-14, in our sermon series entitled "Grateful: The Move from 'Me' to 'We'". Bret and the band lead us in "All the People Said Amen" and a new song "To the Table".

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    Habits of Gratitude (Wk 3)

    November 16th, 2019  |  36 mins 23 secs
    emotions, ethics, feelings, grateful, gratitude, habits, me, personal, practice, private, public, thank you, thankful, thanks, thanksgiving, we

    Sunday, November 10, 2019 | Michelle preaches a sermon on Mark 10:17-31, in our sermon series entitled "Grateful: The Move from 'Me' to 'We'". Guest worship leader Chelsea Morse and the band lead us in "Your Love Awakens Me" and "Great Are You Lord".

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    "Feeling" Grateful (Wk 2)

    November 14th, 2019  |  41 mins 42 secs
    emotions, ethics, feelings, grateful, gratitude, habits, me, personal, practice, private, public, thank you, thankful, thanks, thanksgiving, we

    Sunday, November 3, 2019 | Michelle preaches a sermon on Mark 10:46-52, in our new sermon series entitled "Grateful: The Move from 'Me' to 'We'". Bret and the band lead us in "Raise a Hallelujah" and "Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)".

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    The Difficulty with Gratitude (Wk 1)

    November 12th, 2019  |  34 mins 14 secs
    emotions, ethics, feelings, grateful, gratitude, habits, me, personal, practice, private, public, thank you, thankful, thanks, thanksgiving, we

    Sunday, October 27, 2019 | Michelle preaches a sermon on Luke 17:11-19, kicking off our new sermon series entitled "Grateful: The Move from 'Me' to 'We'". Bret and the band lead us in "Forever" and our new theme song for the series "Grateful."

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    Handmaid's Tale | Unnamed Bleeding Woman

    November 11th, 2019  |  19 mins 55 secs
    bible, esther, free, freedom, galatians, hagar, handmaid's tale, margaret atwood, silenced, unnamed, woman at the well, women

    Sunday, October 20, 2019 | Season After Pentecost | Guest preacher Devon Earle preaches on the story of the unnamed woman with the problem of blood in our sermon series "The Handmaid's Tale: Biblical Stories of the Silenced." Bret and the band lead us in two new songs: "Trust in You" and "Spirit Move."

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    Handmaid's Tale | Unnamed Adulteress

    October 17th, 2019  |  33 mins 53 secs
    bible, esther, free, freedom, galatians, hagar, handmaid's tale, margaret atwood, silenced, unnamed, woman at the well, women

    Sunday, October 13, 2019 | Season After Pentecost | Pastor Michelle preaches on the story of the unnamed woman caught in adultery as a part of our sermon series "The Handmaid's Tale: Biblical Stories of the Silenced." Bret and the band lead us in a Charles Wesley hymn "Jesus Lover of My Soul" as well as a new song based on this this story "Splinters and Stones."

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    Handmaid's Tale | Unnamed Divorcee

    October 17th, 2019  |  30 mins 24 secs
    bible, esther, free, freedom, galatians, hagar, handmaid's tale, margaret atwood, silenced, unnamed, woman at the well, women

    Sunday, October 6, 2019 | Season After Pentecost | Worship & Serve at Huntley Meadows Park | Pastor Michelle preaches on the story of the unnamed divorcee at the well as a part of our sermon series "The Handmaid's Tale: Biblical Stories of the Silenced." Bret and the band lead us in a favorite spiritual as well as a new song "Build in Me."

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    Weekly Prayers | Luke 15:1-10

    October 4th, 2019  |  10 mins 32 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, Sept 29, 2019 | Season After Pentecost | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scripture Today: Luke 15:1-10.

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    Weekly Prayers | Hebrews 11:29-12:2

    October 3rd, 2019  |  12 mins 23 secs
    bible, bible study, church, confess, daily prayer, evening prayer, hymn, lectio divina, lectionary, listen, morning prayer, noonday prayer, observe, pray, prayer, reflect, repent, scripture, song

    Week of Sunday, Sept 29, 2019 | Season After Pentecost | Pray with us every week through the weekly Revised Common Lectionary scriptures assigned that prior Sunday, usually including an Old Testament passage, psalms, an epistle reading, and a Gospel lesson. We will pray that week's Scriptures in a Lectio Divina style, 10-13 minutes in length. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and increase the knowledge of God's word. | Scripture Today: Hebrews 11:29-12:2.

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    Handmaid's Tale | Esther, the Orphan

    October 1st, 2019  |  31 mins 12 secs
    bible, esther, free, freedom, galatians, hagar, handmaid's tale, margaret atwood, silenced, unnamed, woman at the well, women

    Sunday, September 22, 2019 | Season After Pentecost | Emily, pastor from Aldersgate Church, guest preaches on Esther, the orphan in Esther 4 as a part of our sermon series "The Handmaid's Tale: Biblical Stories of the Silenced." Bret and the band lead "Yes and Amen" and and a beautiful new song "Brave."