The Kingstowne Communion
We exist to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ.
How Long O Lord | Amos (Wk 3)
July 2nd, 2020 | 39 mins 23 secs
amos, bible, book of the twelve, hosea, how long o lord, joel, justice, minor prophets, old testament, prophet, prophets, repent, righteousness
Sunday, June 28, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Week 3 of our summer sermon series through the 12 minor prophets entitled "How Long O Lord," listening in to the prophet Amos. We also get a bit of history about Stonewall and the modern PRIDE movement from the Collins.
How Long O Lord | Joel (Wk 2)
July 2nd, 2020 | 28 mins 48 secs
bible, book of the twelve, hosea, how long o lord, joel, justice, minor prophets, old testament, prophet, prophets, repent, righteousness
Sunday, June 21, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Week 2 of our summer sermon series through the 12 minor prophets entitled "How Long O Lord," listening in to the prophet Joel.
How Long O Lord | Hosea (Wk 1)
July 2nd, 2020 | 35 mins 21 secs
bible, book of the twelve, hosea, how long o lord, justice, minor prophets, old testament, prophet, prophets, repent, righteousness
Sunday, June 14 , 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Week 1 of our summer sermon series through the 12 minor prophets entitled "How Long O Lord," listening in to the prophet Hosea.
Pandemic Proportion: Extraordinary Baptism (Wk 6)
May 29th, 2020 | 31 mins 12 secs
1 peter, anxiety, at home, baptism, bible, blessing, calling, church, easter, eastertide, epistle, fear, hardship, hope, new testament, pandemic, perseverance, peter, power, suffering, way
Sunday, May 24, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Michelle preaches the sixth week of our series Pandemic Proportion on the book of 1 Peter with a sermon entitled "Extraordinary Baptism" based on the rest of 1 Peter 3:18-22. Bret and Gina lead us in "Open Up the Heavens" for Ascension Sunday.
Pandemic Proportion: Extraordinary Blessing (Wk 5)
May 29th, 2020 | 34 mins 25 secs
1 peter, anxiety, at home, baptism, bible, blessing, calling, church, easter, eastertide, epistle, fear, hardship, hope, new testament, pandemic, perseverance, peter, power, suffering, way
Sunday, May 17, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Michelle preaches the fifth week of our series Pandemic Proportion on the book of 1 Peter with a sermon entitled "Extraordinary Blessing" based on the rest of 1 Peter 3:8-17. Bret and Gina lead us in singing "King of Kings" and a new song "Blessing."
Pandemic Proportion: Extraordinary Call (Wk 4)
May 13th, 2020 | 25 mins 42 secs
1 peter, anxiety, at home, baptism, bible, blessing, calling, church, easter, eastertide, epistle, fear, hardship, hope, new testament, pandemic, perseverance, peter, power, suffering, way
Sunday, May 10, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Alyssa, our Children's Ministry Director, having just finished her first year of seminary, preaches the fourth sermon in our series Pandemic Proportion on the book of 1 Peter with a sermon entitled "Extraordinary Call" based on the rest of 1 Peter 2. Bret and Gina lead us in "Called Me Higher" and "It is Well."
Pandemic Proportion: Extraordinary Church (Wk 3)
May 13th, 2020 | 34 mins 37 secs
1 peter, anxiety, at home, baptism, bible, blessing, calling, church, easter, eastertide, epistle, fear, hardship, hope, new testament, pandemic, perseverance, peter, power, suffering, way
Sunday, May 3, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Michelle continues in our new sermon Pandemic Proportion on the book of 1 Peter with a sermon on 1 Peter 2 entitled "Extraordinary Church." Bret and Gina lead us in "Build My Life" and "The Church's One Foundation."
Pandemic Proportion: Extraordinary Way (Wk 2)
May 12th, 2020 | 35 mins 42 secs
1 peter, anxiety, at home, baptism, bible, blessing, calling, church, easter, eastertide, epistle, fear, hardship, hope, new testament, pandemic, perseverance, peter, power, suffering, way
Sunday, April 26, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Michelle continues in our new sermon Pandemic Proportion on the book of 1 Peter with a sermon on the rest of 1 Peter 1 entitled "Extraordinary Way." Bret and Gina lead us in "Lord I Need You" and "Hymn of the Holy Spirit."
Pandemic Proportion: Extraordinary Hope (Wk 1)
May 12th, 2020 | 33 mins 15 secs
1 peter, anxiety, at home, baptism, bible, blessing, calling, church, easter, eastertide, epistle, fear, hardship, hope, new testament, pandemic, perseverance, peter, power, suffering, way
Sunday, April 19, 2020 | Sunday Morning Live from Home | Michelle kicks off our new sermon Pandemic Proportion on the book of 1 Peter with a sermon on 1 Peter 1 entitled "Extraordinary Hope." Bret and Gina lead us in "This My Inheritance" and "Hope Has a Name."
As He Taught Us to Pray: 6 Envelopes
March 28th, 2020 | 36 mins 7 secs
as he taught us to pray, bible, good friday, jesus, jesus prayer, lent, lenten, lenten prayer, lord's prayer, maundy thursday, palm sunday, prayer
Sunday, March 22, 2020 | Online Worship Only | Pastor Michelle preaches the fourth week of Lent in a sermon series on the Lord's Prayer called "As He Taught Us to Pray," focusing this week on the story of King Solomon in 1 Kings 3-11. Bret and the band lead us in "I Believe" and "Reckless Love."
As He Taught Us to Pray: Daily Bread
March 21st, 2020 | 32 mins 2 secs
as he taught us to pray, bible, good friday, jesus, jesus prayer, lent, lenten, lenten prayer, lord's prayer, maundy thursday, palm sunday, prayer
Sunday, March 15, 2020 | Online Worship Only | Guest preacher Rev. Randy Orndorff preaches the third week of Lent in a sermon series on the Lord's Prayer called "As He Taught Us to Pray," focusing this week on Exodus 16:2-15 & John 6:30-35. Bret and the band lead us in a new favorite "Waymaker" and "Jesus Christ, Bread of Life."
As He Taught Us to Pray: Thy Kingdom Come
March 21st, 2020 | 35 mins 9 secs
as he taught us to pray, bible, good friday, jesus, jesus prayer, lent, lenten, lenten prayer, lord's prayer, maundy thursday, palm sunday, prayer
Sunday, March 8, 2020 | Pastor Michelle preaches the second week of Lent in a sermon series on the Lord's Prayer called "As He Taught Us to Pray," focusing this week on Genesis 17:1-17, 15-16. Bret and the band lead us in "Forever Reign" and "Give Me Jesus."
As He Taught Us to Pray: Our Father
March 20th, 2020 | 32 mins 7 secs
as he taught us to pray, bible, good friday, jesus, jesus prayer, lent, lenten, lenten prayer, lord's prayer, maundy thursday, palm sunday, prayer
Sunday, March 1, 2020 | Pastor Michelle preaches the first week of Lent in a new sermon series on the Lord's Prayer called "As He Taught Us to Pray," focusing this week on Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7. Bret and the band lead us in "Great Are You Lord" and our new Lenten theme song "Lord's Prayer."
Transfiguration Sunday
March 10th, 2020 | 25 mins 45 secs
transfiguration, transfiguration sunday
Sunday, February 23, 2020 | Pastor Michelle preaches a sermon for Transfiguration Sunday, and Bret and the band lead us in "Open Up the Heavens" and "Transfiguration."
Mister Rogers: Neighborhood Like Heaven
March 9th, 2020 | 31 mins 52 secs
a neighbor just like you, anger, be kind to yourself, conflict, control, empathy, feelings, fred rogers, goodness, happiness, heaven, i like you just the way you are, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, it's such a good feeling, kindness, loving yourself, mister rogers, mr. rogers, neighbor, neighborhood, neighboring, sadness, self-awareness, self-evaluation, the art of neighboring, won't you be my neighbor
Sunday, February 16, 2020 | Pastor Michelle preaches the last week of our winter sermon series "A Neighbor Just Like You" on the faith of Mister Rogers, focusing on Matthew 25. Bret and the band lead us in "Build Your Kingdom Here" and "Good Grace."
Mister Rogers: Many Ways to Say "I Love You"
February 14th, 2020 | 30 mins 40 secs
a neighbor just like you, anger, be kind to yourself, conflict, control, empathy, feelings, fred rogers, goodness, happiness, heaven, i like you just the way you are, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, it's such a good feeling, kindness, loving yourself, mister rogers, mr. rogers, neighbor, neighborhood, neighboring, sadness, self-awareness, self-evaluation, the art of neighboring, won't you be my neighbor
Sunday, February 9, 2020 | Pastor Michelle preaches the sixth week of our winter sermon series "A Neighbor Just Like You" on the faith of Mister Rogers, focusing on 1 Peter 3:8-22, and Meghan Collins shares her testimony in a form a letter she wrote to the Bishop of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. Bret and the band lead us in "What Love My God" and "For the One".