The Kingstowne Communion

We exist to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ.

About the show

Welcome to the Table! You are listening to the Kingstowne Communion podcast, with lead pastor Michelle Matthews. The Kingstowne Communion is a new United Methodist church existing to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ and extend God's table into the world through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good. We worship at Hayfield Secondary School (7630 Telegraph Rd, Door 9 off Old Telegraph) every Sunday at 10am. For more information, visit, or like, follow, or subscribe on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


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    6th Commandment (Wk 7)

    July 31st, 2021  |  29 mins 45 secs
    10 commandments, bible study, covenant, exodus, god, jesus, law, moses, old testament, sermon series, ten commandments

    Sunday, July 18, 2021 | Sermon Series: Ten Commandments | Pastor Michelle preaches on the story of David dancing before the Lord, as we continue in our summer series on the Ten Commandments, zooming in this week on the 6th Commandment: "Thou shalt not murder."

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    5th Commandment (Wk 6)

    July 16th, 2021  |  27 mins 36 secs
    10 commandments, bible study, covenant, exodus, god, jesus, law, moses, old testament, sermon series, ten commandments

    Sunday, July 11, 2021 | Sermon Series: Ten Commandments | Pastor Michelle preaches on the story of King Solomon's wisdom in 1 Kings as we continue in our summer series on the Ten Commandments, zooming in this week on the 5th Commandment: "Thou shall honor your father and mother."

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    4th Commandment (Wk 5)

    July 15th, 2021  |  30 mins 38 secs
    10 commandments, bible study, covenant, exodus, god, jesus, law, moses, old testament, sermon series, ten commandments

    Sunday, July 4, 2021 | Sermon Series: Ten Commandments | Associate Pastor of Discipleship, Alyssa Densham, preaches on the story of Elijah as we continue in our summer series on the Ten Commandments, zooming in this week on the 4th Commandment: "Thou shalt keep the Sabbath holy."

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    3rd Commandment (Wk 4)

    July 3rd, 2021  |  36 mins 14 secs
    10 commandments, bible study, covenant, exodus, god, jesus, law, moses, old testament, sermon series, ten commandments

    Sunday, June 27, 2021 | Sermon Series: Ten Commandments | Pastor Michelle preaches on story of King Saul as we continue in our summer series on the Ten Commandments, zooming in this week on the 3rd Commandment.

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    2nd Commandment (Wk 3)

    June 24th, 2021  |  24 mins 46 secs
    10 commandments, bible study, covenant, exodus, god, jesus, law, moses, old testament, sermon series, ten commandments

    Sunday, June 20, 2021 | Sermon Series: Ten Commandments | Pastor Michelle preaches on Exodus 15, the story of the Golden Calf, as we continue in our summer series on the Ten Commandments, zooming in this week on the 2nd Commandment.

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    1st Commandment (Wk 2)

    June 16th, 2021  |  30 mins 18 secs
    10 commandments, bible study, covenant, exodus, god, jesus, law, moses, old testament, sermon series, ten commandments

    Sunday, June 13, 2021 | Sermon Series: Ten Commandments | Pastor Michelle preached on Genesis 1 as we continue in our summer series on the Ten Commandments, zooming in on the 1st Commandment.

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    Ten Commandments: Intro (Wk 1)

    June 11th, 2021  |  26 mins 14 secs
    10 commandments, bible study, covenant, exodus, god, jesus, law, moses, old testament, sermon series, ten commandments

    Sunday, June 6, 2021 | Sermon Series: Ten Commandments | Pastor Michelle preached on Exodus 20 as we begin our summer series on the Ten Commandments.

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    The Good Shepherd | May 30, 2021

    June 11th, 2021  |  25 mins 22 secs
    good shepherd, jesus, john 10

    Sunday, May 30, 2021 | Pastor Michelle preaches a sermon on John 10 and the Good Shepherd over Memorial Day weekend.

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    Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God (Wk 6): Going To Bed

    May 20th, 2021  |  22 mins 52 secs
    bed, church, cross, details, easter, easter sunday, eastertide, extraordinary, god, habits, holy, jesus, life, lives, living, looking, ordinary, relationship, rest, searching, sleep

    Sunday, May 16, 2021 | 6th Sunday after Easter | Guest pastor Rev. Kameron Wilds concludes our Easter sermon series "Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God" with a message based on Psalm 139 that talks about the importance of sleep. Bret and Gina sing Shane and Shane's arrangement of "Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful)."

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    Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God (Wk 5): Birthing Babies

    May 13th, 2021  |  32 mins 49 secs
    babies, church, cross, details, easter, easter sunday, eastertide, extraordinary, god, habits, holy, jesus, life, lives, living, looking, mother's day, ordinary, relationship, searching

    Sunday, May 9, 2021 | 5th Sunday after Easter | Alyssa continues our Easter sermon series "Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God" with a Mother's Day message based on Isaiah 66:7-9 titled "Birthing Babies" that talks about birth stories and all of us being midwives of God's creation. Bret and Gina sing the George Strait classic "I Saw God Today."

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    Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God (Wk 4): Humanity's Best Friends

    May 6th, 2021  |  20 mins 53 secs
    church, creation, cross, details, earth, easter, easter sunday, eastertide, extraordinary, god, habits, holy, jesus, life, lives, living, looking, nature, ordinary, pets, relationship, searching

    Sunday, May 2, 2021 | 4th Sunday after Easter | Guest pastor Rev. Kameron Wilds continues our Easter sermon series "Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God" with a message based on Romans 8:19-23 that talks about the reciprocal relationship with our pets and being stewards of all of God's Creation. Bret and Gina sing "All Creatures of Our God and King."

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    Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God (Wk 3): Getting Drinks With Friends

    April 29th, 2021  |  23 mins 2 secs
    church, cross, details, easter, easter sunday, eastertide, extraordinary, friendship, god, habits, holy, jesus, life, lives, living, looking, ordinary, relationship, searching

    Sunday, April 25, 2021 | 3rd Sunday after Easter | Guest pastor Rev. Kameron Wilds continues our Easter sermon series "Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God" with a message based on Luke 19:1-9 that talks about friendships, tacos, and our need to be connected to others. Bret and Gina sing "Reckless Love."

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    Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God (Wk 2): Eating What's Offered

    April 21st, 2021  |  26 mins 51 secs
    church, cross, details, easter, easter sunday, eastertide, eating, extraordinary, food, god, habits, holy, jesus, life, lives, living, looking, ordinary, relationship, searching

    Sunday, April 18, 2021 | 2nd Sunday after Easter | Guest pastor Rev. Kameron Wilds continues our Easter sermon series "Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God" with a message based on Luke 10:1-9 that digs into how the simple act of eating can connect us to God and others. Bret and Gina sing "One Day."

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    Ordinary Encounters with an Extraordinary God (Wk 1): Building Ordinary Habits

    April 15th, 2021  |  19 mins 34 secs
    church, cross, details, easter, easter sunday, eastertide, extraordinary, god, habits, holy, jesus, life, lives, living, looking, ordinary, relationship, searching

    Sunday, April 11, 2021 | 1st Sunday after Easter | Guest pastor Kameron Wilds kicks off our new sermon series with a message based on Luke 4:16-21 that invites us to begin to look for God in the details of our ordinary lives. Bret and Gina sing "Build My Life."

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    Easter 2021: The World's Best Plot Twist

    April 9th, 2021  |  16 mins 21 secs
    ash wednesday, cross, death, devil, easter, easter sunday, evil, evil one, good friday, holy saturday, holy week, jesus, lent, lenten, maundy thursday, plot twist, satan, sin, temptation

    Sunday, April 4, 2021 | Easter Sunday | Guest pastor Rev. Kameron Wilds preaches his message on how the death and resurrection of Jesus is an epic plot twist. Bret and Gina sing "Great Things" by Phil Wickham.

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    Palm Sunday 2021: What We Expect

    March 31st, 2021  |  27 mins 25 secs
    ash wednesday, cross, easter, easter sunday, expectation, good friday, holy saturday, holy week, hosanna, jesus, lent, lenten, maundy thursday, not today satan, satan

    Sunday, March 28, 2021 | Palm Sunday | Alyssa gives a special Palm Sunday message on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. Bret and Gina sing "Hosanna" by Hillsong.